This coming week, my third short play will be performed during AMiOS NYC’s first virtual Shotz. Instead of doing two back-to-back performances in one night at the Kraine Theater in Manhattan, the shows will be performed on back-to-back nights on Facebook Live. It is free to join, but donations are greatly encouraged. A normal ticket price is $13. We are suggesting $10. My play Cours de Francais (or “French Class”) is written specifically to be performed online, with quick-moving dialogue and silly French insults. The theme of this month’s Shotz is based on Monty Python, which I think is perfect. We could all use a laugh right about now, right? I hope you can tune in.
Now. If you’d like to read on about what I’ve been up to, please go ahead! If not, you can stop here. Thank you for coming.
Where were you six months ago?
I was in Half Moon Bay, CA marrying the love of my life after twelve years together/long-distance/together/long-distance/together. It was a magical day. No, really. Not a cloud in the sky after a cold wall of fog lifted and floated away. With the exception of a humorous interrupting car alarm, the day was absolutely perfect.
Bliss. Photo by: Cynthia Smalley
As my husband (!) began rehearsals two days later for Scrooge in Love! at 42nd Street Moon, I was already on the hunt for a day job. We had hoped to honeymoon in January, but an awesome opportunity came up and I started my new job in early December. Yay, money! The honeymoon would have to wait (for how long… we' don’t yet know!) Meanwhile, I reached out to as many Equity-eligible Bay Area theater companies as I could to let them know I’m back on the West Coast. I mailed my headshot and resume and sent a follow-up email to over 50 companies. #ActorGrind
We had a traditional holiday with family on both sides. There was cookie-baking, wearing an ugly Christmas sweater to my new job, reuniting with high school friends, and I took my nieces to the Museum of Ice Cream. We saw a movie on New Year’s Eve and celebrated quietly and happily at home. But 2020 had different plans — coming in loud and angry…
I won’t get in to the sh*t show that 2020 has been thus far**. We all have our own personal challenges and I hope that you realize how strong, brave, and amazing you are for dealing with whatever your day-to-day brings. I am extremely lucky to be able to do my job from home and participate in artistic endeavors remotely.
Prior to the March 2020 shelter-in-place (SIP) in California, I was able to attend several Bay Area Theater auditions — including the Theatre Bay Area Generals. I submitted self-tapes for other projects and re-signed with my agents at STARS The Agency for on-camera work. I was back in the game!
Greetings from my makeshift home voiceover studio!
Since SIP, most of those projects have been cancelled unfortunately, but the VOICEOVER biz is stronger than ever. I’m proud to have booked a gig in late March that I recorded from home. I had a two-computer set-up with the sound engineer and clients giving me direction through zoom on one and me recording on the other. It was wild and badass. (TBD on toy release…)
Besides roasting my first turkey, making homemade pie crust, and perfecting my coleslaw recipe… I have also participated in a few online readings, including existing plays and a new miniseries idea. I continue to apply online for acting jobs and occasionally submit self-tapes, though sometimes I ask myself, “what for?” as we don’t know when we can come together again to create these things in person.
But art doesn’t stop. I’m sure you’ve seen the incredible online offerings for music, dance, and theater. While it is not “the same” as seeing it live, I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to still share my work with the biggest audience EVER.
Where will you be six months from now?
I will be married exactly one year! (that’s just math) I will be working, loving, living. It will be a different world, that’s for sure, yet I have hope that we can be together: to hug, to make and see good art, to enjoy each other’s company in whatever form that is taking. I miss baseball. I miss my friends and family. I miss being unafraid. So let’s continue to work, love, and live until we can be together again in person.
I am eternally grateful for your support and encouragement. I am thankful for the people who are continuing to work and heroically guide us through this difficult pandemic. I am beyond lucky to be married to a husband who provides endless love, care, and strength.
We are all in this together.
Find your rainbow…
**one exception: seeing my friends Brett and Carinda get married in February <3